3D Running Gait Analysis

Experience the Future of Running: 3D Gait Analysis

Welcome to Stride Physical Therapy and Wellness, where we offer you the ability to unlock your running potential with cutting-edge 3D Gait Analysis, the pinnacle of performance evaluation technology. At Stride Physical Therapy and Wellness, we offer a revolutionary insight into your running technique, tailored to enhance your stride, prevent injury, and optimize your overall performance.

Benefits of 3D Gait Analysis

Our state-of-the-art system, the Helix 3D, captures a comprehensive view of your movement, providing a detailed breakdown of your running mechanics in three dimensions. By analyzing your gait cycle, stride length, foot strike patterns, and joint movements, our expert team delivers personalized care to elevate your running game.

  • Precision Performance Improvement: Gain a deeper understanding of your running mechanics to refine your technique and enhance efficiency.
  • Injury Prevention: Identify potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Utilize cutting-edge technology and data-driven insights to elevate your running experience.
  • Rehabilitation: For those recovering from injuries, gait analysis aids in tracking progress, ensuring proper recovery, and preventing re-injury by addressing underlying movement issues.

Whether you're a seasoned athlete aiming for peak performance or a recreational runner seeking to improve form and prevent injuries, our 3D Gait Analysis provides the roadmap to optimize your running journey.

Visit Stride Physical Therapy and Wellness today and take the stride towards a better, stronger, and more efficient running experience!"

Who can get a Gait Analysis?

  • Runners of all levels:
  • Injured or Non-injured
  • Athletes in other running sports
  • Fitness Enthusiast

Did you know? Improving your running economy by 5% leads to a 3.8% improvement in performance in distance events. A 4-hour marathoner can save 9+ minutes.


Take your running performance to the next level with our 3D running gait analysis. Contact Stride Physical Therapy and Wellness to schedule an appointment and experience the difference that personalized biomechanical analysis can make in your running journey.

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at Stride Physical Therapy and Wellness.

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