Dry Needling

Enhancing Physical Therapy with Dry Needling

Dry needling has emerged as a valuable technique in the realm of physical therapy, offering effective relief for musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It involves the precise insertion of thin needles into trigger points or tight bands within muscles, promoting relaxation and pain reduction. This therapeutic approach complements other therapeutic interventions making it a valuable tool in the hands of a skilled physical therapists. When integrated into a comprehensive physical therapy plan, it can significantly enhance rehabilitation outcomes.

Understanding Dry Needling

Dry Needling is considered a clean/dry technique which means that no medicine is used within the needle. The insertion of needles stimulates trigger points, causing a reflexive response that helps relax and release tension in muscles.

Some benefits of Dry needling include alleviation of pain, improved range of motion, and enhanced muscle function, aiding in the restoration of normal movement patterns. When administered by a trained professional, dry needling is considered a safe and minimally invasive technique.

Conditions Treated with Dry Needling

  • Muscle Pain: Chronic or acute muscle pain, including conditions like lower back pain, neck pain, and shoulder tension, can be effectively managed.
  • Sports Injuries: Injuries such as muscle strains, tendonitis, and overuse injuries often respond well to dry needling as part of a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

Patient Experience and Expectations

  • Sensation during Treatment: Patients might experience a deep/dull ache which some consider mildly uncomfortable. Others may experience a sensation known as a "twitch response," or a jumping type movement, indicating the release of tension in the muscle.
  • Post-Treatment: Patients may have varying responses to our treatment. While some individuals may experience immediate relief, others might have a delayed response or encounter temporary soreness or slight bruising at the sites where the needles are inserted. Generally, these symptoms subside quickly. However, it is important to note that the duration of discomfort can range from 24 to 72 hours, depending on how an individual's body reacts to the treatment.

Delaware Guidelines

Under Delaware law, a Physical Therapist needs a prescription from a doctor that states the diagnosis as well as DRY NEEDLING. Your Physical Therapist must also complete a Board Certified program in order to perform this treatment.

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